today is the big day when charity uses a bunch of helping hands…today is the masturbate-a-thon over in the UK (and it will be aired on TV!) who doesn’t like to come (cum) for a good cause? i love this small disclaimer…
this is a great place to meet adventurous and free-thinking individuals. however, please remember that masturbation is solo sex and although you may wish to interact with others, your advances may not be well received. please respect everyone at the event and keep your hands to yourself
maybe now that paris hilton has sworn off sex for a year she should turn to the wiggly finger suprise…i highly doubt ms. hilton can go for a whole 365 days without anything inside of her! popbytes over & out for now – xxoo!

For the very first time the Masturbate-a-thon is coming to the UK. After six successful years in San Francisco the event has finally arrived in Europe, and will this year take place in London, on Saturday 5th August 2006.
This is a charity event, intended to encourage people to explore safer sex, talk about masturbation and lift the taboos that still surround the subject, by coming to a public place and coming in a public place!
All money raised supports charities in the campaign for greater public understanding of and better services in HIV and sexual health. Participants ask friends, colleagues and loved ones to sponsor them. The amount you raise will be determined by how many minutes you masturbate and/or how many orgasms you achieve. You can even ask sponsors to support you by making a single payment just for having the courage to come along on the day and take part.