good evening! i’m still stunned that mariah carey and nick cannon have actually managed to stay married for an entire year – now i love my mimi but girlfriend must drive nick up a freakin’ wall but somehow he has found a way to deal with his over the top diva ball & chain (plus all her moola i’m sure helps ease the annoying factor) the couple recently celebrated their one-year wedding anniversary at moon nightclub in las vegas – and mr. cannon (or shall we call him mr. carey?) put together a video montage featuring moments from the couple’s first year together which brought mariah to tears (if you examined her tears under a microscope – they’d probably resemble butterflies) i wonder when and if there will be the pitter-patter of little feet in mariah & nick’s future? i still can’t picture her being pregnant … her hormones in overdrive mode could induce diva rages that might be truly unbearable – perhaps adoption might be the way to go! popbytes over & out for tonight … xoxo