Remember how yesterday, Madonna released that anti-hydrangeas video (which she called a ‘love letter’) and pretended like she was self-aware, despite the fact that if she actually did have any sense of self-awareness she would have realized that people were criticizing her for being an ungrateful C-U-Next-Tuesday instead of just hating on a bunch of granny flowers? Well, now she figures that she can play the bitch card whenever she wants now, and during a recent appearance at the Toronto International Film Festival (to promote her critically panned film), she made a bunch of TIFF volunteers face a wall so that they wouldn’t look upon her with their peasant eyes. No, seriously. Via The Globe and Mail:
Sounds like Madonna was all smiles and compliments for Canada in general and TIFF in particular, when she visited the festival Monday to promote her new film, W.E., about famous divorcé, the Duchess of Windsor, Wallis Simpson. One observer even heard her thank the festival’s orange-shirted volunteers. It was a bit of a different story backstage, however, when eight of those volunteers were asked to turn their faces to a wall so that they would not look at the pop-star-turned-movie-director as she made her way to her press conference about the film. One volunteer told the Globe they all dutifully stood with their backs to her as she passed.
Which I think proves in some small way that she knows that what she’s doing when she treats people like shit is wrong, but she’s doing it anyway because she’s Madonna. Look, being able to look at your actions objectively is great, but unless you actually use it to better yourself as a person rather than use it to treat people like shit, you’re just a naval-gazing skank. Unless looking upon Madonna’s gargoyle arms and string-cheese face is like looking upon the Ark of the Covenant, where the very sight of it will cause your head to melt off and puddle around your ankles. In which case, she’s just looking out for their best interests.