hey hey! last night i had an excellent time down at the roxy (like i always do) i was so stoked to see little jackie since i’ve been playing her album the stoop non-stop – she did her thing live looking way adorable and did not disappoint at all (except for the fact she didn’t sing one of my favorite tracks ‘i liked you better before’) below there’s a video i shot with my new flip (which i think did quite a decent job – i was pleasantly surprised) of her song ’28 butts’ – another great track! at the end of her set (she finished with her hot single the world should revolve around me) i tried to snap my picture with jackie – she told me she’d be down in a minute but then almost twenty minutes passed and it was getting late so i left but i’m sure she’ll be back in los angeles again (she hails from back east – brooklyn to be exact) please do give her album a listen – it’s totally infectious! popbytes over & out for now…xoxo