So now that Lindsay Lohan is more or less in the “clear” — kinda — she’s been asked to avoid clubs or anywhere else where there’s alcohol. Which is weird, because Lindsay’s problem wasn’t that she was an alcoholic, so much as it was that she was just a complete dumbass when it came moderation. Anyway, Coachella was this weekend, and Lindsay must have decided that she really wanted to see a hologram of Tupac Shakur perform live because she decided to go. Guess how long it took before people started freaking out over the possibility that she might drink? TMZ reports:
Our sources tell us, Lindsay feels she didn’t thumb her nose at Judge Stephanie Sautner, because Coachella is really just a gigantic concert and she was just there for the music. We’re told Lindsay went to a few different events during the weekend and was very conscious lots of people were whispering about her — specifically, that she was in the danger zone by even showing up. The way she feels … she’s gone to Coachella for the last 4 or 5 years so she didn’t think this year was a big deal. Lindsay insists she didn’t have a drop of alcohol during the weekend — she feels she can control herself, even in a situation filled with temptation.
Okay, yes, there are drinks and drugs o’ plenty at Coachella, we all know that. That being said, there’s the potential to get booze and narcotics just about anywhere, especially since she’s in Los Angeles. Seriously, I was offered more drugs in one week spent in the city of angels than I have in twenty-one years in Canada. I’m pretty sure they gave me ecstasy as an after dinner mint when we went out to eat at a restaurant in West Hollywood. All I’m saying is, chill the fuck out, going to Coachella is basically a lateral move when it comes to Lindsay’s risk.