I think we can all agree that at this point, someone needs to step in on Lindsay Lohan‘s crazy train and lay down some ground rules because the poor girl could use some. Personally, I think rehab would probably be the best course of action at this point because whether she likes to admit it or not, she has problems with self-control, because no normal person turns down a free limo in favor of playing bumper cars with a freight truck. Except no, it turns out Lindsay Lohan thinks she’s totally fine and refuses to go to rehab. TMZ reports …
As TMZ first reported, Lindsay has become so stressed out by her impending probation violation, she’s been hitting the bottle hard … drinking as much as two liters of vodka per day. According to our sources, close friends of Lindsay have been urging her to go to rehab BEFORE she goes to court … hoping the move might win her favor with the judge. But we’re told Lindsay is having none of it … telling friends she does not think she has a problem with alcohol. Our sources say Lindsay points to the fact that she recently completed three movies as proof she does not need rehab. Funny … cause watching “Liz & Dick” suggests the opposite.
To be fair, this is the same girl who thought the cops were just kidding when they were arresting her for assault, so there is a very good chance Lindsay thinks she could punt a newborn out of a window and everyone would just laugh it off. Except here comes the IRS to remind her that she isn’t untouchable, after they seized her bank account due to unpaid taxes.
As if she weren’t royally screwed enough … Lindsay Lohan’s tax problems have become so extreme … the IRS has seized ALL of her bank accounts in order to repay her massive outstanding debt. As we reported, Uncle Sam has filed tax liens against Lindsay for the years 2009 and 2010 — claiming she owes $233,904 in unpaid federal taxes. Charlie Sheen generously paid Lindsay $100,000 to help alleviate Lindsay’s 2009 tax problem — but we’re told Charlie’s check barely scratched the surface … because Lindsay also owes money for 2011.
Once again, irrefutable proof that Lindsay has absolutely no idea she’s doing anything wrong. And if you’re a 26-year-old multi-millionaire, you really can’t claim ignorance as an excuse because clearly you should know better. Hell, everyone should know that paying your taxes and not punching women in the face are things you’re supposed to do.