Despite the fact that I don’t actually think her life is so busy and hectic as to require someone to constantly follow her around and do her bidding, Lindsay Lohan has decided that she needs a new assistant, because … no, actually, I really need to ask this. Why does Lindsay need an assistant? To carry around all the scripts she’s not reading? It’s not like Lindsay is actually working. Anyway, here’s TMZ with the blurb:
Sources close to Lindsay tell us she recently, and amicably, parted ways with her long suffering assistant Eleonore. We’re told Eleonore couldn’t keep up with Lindsay’s hectic life. Lindsay’s new assistant — a brave soul named Alexandra … who made her public debut at LiLo’s probation hearing last week (above). We’re told, at this point, she feels confident she can keep up with Linds.
Once again, Lindsay’s work life involves exactly two things: shuttling to court, and shuttling back from court. I think she honestly had maybe a couple photo shoots last year, and I could be wrong about that, but still, there’s no way she has so much work on her plate that she needs help. McDonald’s managers have more of a claim to a personal assistant than Lindsay, if only because they actually work.