Judge calls Lindsay Lohan’s lawyer ‘incompetent’

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan

We’ve been saying that Lindsay Lohan dropping Shawn Holley in favor of Mark Heller has been the biggest mistake in her entire life, and according the judge on her latest case, we were entirely right. During a court appearance today, Lindsay’s new lawyer was verbally bitch-slapped by the new judge, who in no uncertain terms called him an incompetent and laid down the gauntlet: Either Lindsay gets a lawyer who knows what they’re doing or she waives her right to a competent lawyer. Via TMZ

It was shocking but Judge Jim Dabney reamed Mark Heller, saying he was incompetent to practice law in California and said Lindsay either has to get another lawyer who knows what he’s doing or she has to come into court and waive her right to a competent California lawyer. The judge informed Mark Heller he screwed up the legal docs he filed by not following California law … and the motion to dismiss charges was DENIED. Heller tried to blame the previous lawyer, but his paperwork was so screwed up … his argument fell on deaf ears. The judge went on to say Heller doesn’t have a clue about criminal law, questioning his competence to handle the case. The California lawyer who’s sponsoring Heller to appear in Lindsay’s case didn’t show up today, and the judge made note of that … not that it would really matter, because the sponsor never practiced law a day in her life.

So basically, Lindsay dumped a legal goddess in favor of someone who, according to the judge on her case, has no idea what he’s doing. Wow, Lindsay might actually have to spend more than a few minutes in jail. This is practically unprecedented!

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.