Remember how a couple days ago, Lindsay Lohan went on Twitter and started yammering on about how unfair it was that Amanda Bynes hadn’t been arrested yet, while she had to spend whole minutes in prison? Yeah, well I guess Karma heard this and went “Oh what’s that? The irresponsible, entitled little brat wants to throw stones in her glass house? Well screw it, I’ll play along. Let’s have her hit a guy with her car before fleeing the scene, then have her arrested. GUFFAW! What a delectable jaunt this has been! Ta-ta!” TMZ reports …
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, Lindsay was pulling in to park her Porsche Cayenne near the Dream Hotel in downtown NYC when — at a very low speed — she allegedly hit the knee of a 30-something year old guy. That was around shortly after midnight. We’re told one of Lindsay’s passengers in the SUV got out and checked the vehicle for damage, and then LiLo and co. went inside the hotel. We’re told someone called police while Lindsay was inside … and when she walked out of the hotel — around 2:30AM ET — officers arrested her. According to our sources … Lindsay was booked for leaving the scene of an accident — a misdemeanor — and then released with a desk appearance ticket … meaning she did not have to pay bail before release.
You know what this means, right? Lindsay Lohan. Amanda Bynes. CARMAGGEDON. Put them on an IV drip of Franzia, put them behind the wheels of go-karts, litter the playing fields with koopa shells and banana peels, then let them have at it. Just make sure there’s a Lakitu on stand-by, because you know these two morons are just going to drive themselves into the lava pit over and over again.