Remember when Ryan Murphy said that he wasn’t going to have any guest stars on the new season of Glee because all of them just ended up being show hogging distractions awkwardly shoe-horned into story arcs that already have way too many things going on at once? Well, Ryan doesn’t because he’s decided to cast Lindsay Lohan as a guest star for the Nationals episode, which I’m sure won’t pull so much attention away from the plot that the suspension of disbelief is wholly removed. Access Hollywood reports:
Lindsay Lohan reportedly wasn’t pleased when she was slammed “en espanol” on Glee in 2011, but the actress apparently doesn’t have any leftover hard feelings. She’s heading to McKinley High. On Tuesday, a rep for the actress confirmed to Access Hollywood that Lindsay will appear in an upcoming episode of Glee. As first reported by TV Line, Lindsay will play herself. She will join the drama, serving as a celebrity judge at Nationals.
Not that I don’t think Lindsay is a talented actress, but something about this kind of reeks of stunt casting. And I’m worried that they’ll pull a Kathy Griffin here and basically have her show up for all of thirty seconds, spout one line, and then leave. There’s nothing wrong with a guest star as long as it makes sense to the plot and their inclusion feels natural. Randomly throwing in big names for the sake of a ratings bonanza accomplishes neither.