Yesterday it was revealed that Lindsay Lohan‘s commitment to the only work that she was currently getting lied somewhere between “fuck” and “all”, and that if she kept up her pace she would finish her community service sometime after the heat death of the universe. Except wait! It turns out a reliable source has come forth to testify on Lindsay’s behalf that she has been working hard to redeem herself! Oh, wait, did I say “reliable source”? I meant “Lindsay Lohan herself, of course.” Here’s E! Online with the story:
“I’ve done tons of DWC community service,” Lohan told E! News. “You guys are way off par on your inadequate and negative assumptions.” (Hey, we were just checking on someone else’s negative assumptions!) Lohan’s rep also assured us that all was on the up and up. “Lindsay has been performing community service at the Downtown Women’s Center for months now,” the rep said. “There are dozens of paparazzi shots of her going in and out of the facility. How could anyone think she is not doing her community service?”
If this were anyone else whose name didn’t end with “Lohan”, I probably would have believed them, after a lot of convincing and hard evidence anyway. But remember, this is Lindsay Lohan, the girl who swore up and down that she gave up drinking and that alcohol was no longer in her life, then immediately got shit-faced drunk as soon as she was finished giving that interview. I’m not saying LiLo is a liar, but she is pretty much the polar opposite of the truth!