Lindsay Lohan: Banned from Chateau Marmont!

Lindsay Lohan

First, we have some good news for Lindsay Lohan: Turns out, cops won’t be pressing charges against her because Sam Magid, the guy whose house she ransacked while high on Ambien basically said that anything he owns is hers, because at this point LiLo is mostly teflon. Yay! And now here comes the bad news: Turns out, Lindsay ran up a tab of almost $50,000 while staying at Chateau Marmont and has refused to pay the bill, now she’s been banned from the hotel. TMZ reports …

TMZ has obtained a letter from the General Manager of the hotel where John Belushi infamously OD’d … The GM notes the hotel repeatedly requested payment for the 47 days Lindsay stayed there during the months of June and July … but LiLo never anted up. Lindsay — who had been living at the hotel — was ordered to get her stuff out by 12 PM August 1. She was then banned from the entire property. Now get this … We also got the itemized bill for June and July, and it’s clear — Lindsay spends like a drunken sailor.

— Minibar charges for the 47 days: $3,145.07. The highest daily tab … July 1st — $502.43!!!

— Cigarettes: $686. She blew through 49 packs in 47 days at $14 a pop

— Chateau Candle: $100

— Chateau restaurant: On July 4 Lindsay racked up a $1,992.07 bill. On top of that, she spent $685.96 that day on room service.

It should probably be noted that Lindsay earned something like $2 Million bucks last year, so it’s not like she couldn’t afford to pony up. So instead, I’m just going to assume that Lindsay thought she was so pretty, famous and popular that they were actually going to pay her for staying there. “Hello, I’m international superstar and new ELizabeth Taylor, Lindsay Lohan. I’m here to pick up my check for blessing your hotel with my natural beauty and acting talent. Now if one of you would be so kind as to carry me back to my throne, I have to throw my empties at the commoners.”

Lindsay Lohan

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.