Oh Lindsay Lohan … I don’t know what it is about her, but I swear to God, she cannot seem to go anywhere without getting into some kind of heinous insanity. Possibly because she’s horrifically irresponsible and wilfully puts herself in sketchy situations that no rational person would ever dare enter. Well, it happened again over the weekend when Lindsay invited a random trick up to her room, they got into a fight, and the guy allegedly attacked her. Except now the police aren’t going to charge the guy with assault because there’s not enough evidence. Oh, the irony … TMZ reports …
Christian LaBella was arrested after LiLo claimed he attacked her when she confronted him about secretly taking pictures and video of her in the hotel room. Lohan and a few friends had met LaBella earlier in the evening at a nightclub. LaBella had initially been charged with two misdemeanor counts of assault and two counts of harassment. But the NYPD tells TMZ the charges have been dropped, after detectives investigated further and there was not enough evidence to support LiLo’s claims.
Oh, the irony that something bad would happen to Lindsay for once, and the police wouldn’t charge him for lack of evidence. Look, I’m sorry that Lindsay was assaulted, but the fact that Lindsay’s apparent teflon nature extends to others is weird as hell.