Oddly enough, Lindsay Lohan is still “working” at the morgue she was transplanted into even though she’s immune to being held accountable for her actions. Oh the benefits of being blonde, famous and rich. Anyway, according to TMZ, this might finally her big break because it turns out she’ll finally get to spend time with a celebrity without being shunned like the famewhore leper she is. Mostly because it’s Heavy D, and unfortunately he’s not alive enough to try and shoo her away.
Lindsay Lohan and Heavy D are closer now than they’ve ever been before, TMZ has learned … because they’re both serving serious time at the L.A. County morgue — for very different reasons. Lindsay has been working like a dog at the morgue for weeks — and now we’ve confirmed … Heavy D’s body is currently being stored in the same facility. Lindsay’s morgue work does entail some corpse contact — but sources tell TMZ, the actress will NOT come face-to-face with Heavy D’s cadaver.
You know Lindsay Lohan’s career is in the crapper when the only way she can hang with a celebrity is if they’re dead and therefore aren’t mortally around to tell her to buzz off. I’m willing to be twenty bucks that Heavy D is looking down right now going “Oh shit, someone please keep that cracked out fame-leech away from me … oh goddammit, she’s climbing into the morgue drawer with me …”