And the plot gets thinner … apparently, Lindsay Lohan had an accomplice during her now infamous necklace heist, who served as her distraction while she made like my right hand on a Tuesday night and beat it with the merchandise.
“As Lindsay was putting her necklace back on, it’s apparent the store clerk was distracted by the male companion that was with Lindsay.” The sales associate provided a statement to investigators claiming she didn’t realize that Lohan didn’t taken the necklace off, RadarOnline.com has learned. “The video then shows Lindsay and her male friend walking out of the store, all while Lindsay was wearing the necklace,” said the source. “It’s all clearly visible on the video.” SOURCE
Wait, so does this make Lindsay some sort of criminal mastermind, and she happens to have some crack team of thieves who aid and abet her? … Well, actually, chances are she does have a crack team, but really, have you ever tried making crystal meth by yourself? Not easy. Especially when your house explodes and you get arrested. Hoooooo boy, that’s not fun.