Being totally delusional must run pretty deep in the Lohan family, because Lindsay Lohan got herself a brand new tattoo yesterday, and while normally I love tattoos, Lindsay decided to get lyrics from a Billy Joel song tattooed on her. Yeah, I know. Billy Joel? Gack. Not only that, but she also went ahead and picked out the most ironic lyrics she could find in order to demonstrate just how far removed from reality she is at this point. According to TMZ:
LiLo rolled over to her favorite L.A. tattoo shop — Shamrock Tattoos — this week and got the words “Clear as a crystal, sharp as a knife I feel like I’m in the prime of my life” inked on her rib cage. For those who weren’t around during the Storm Front years — the lyrics are from Joel’s 1989 song, I Go to Extremes. Pretty good song … doesn’t hold a candle to We Didn’t Start The Fire though. We’re told Lindsay felt the lyric was important to her because “It represented where she is in life and everything she’s been through … it signifies that she’s focused.”
Really? You think that’s where you are in life right now? No sweetie, the prime of your life was back when you were young and healthy and you were making movies like Mean Girls. Hell, if you sober up, start acting like a responsible adult and maybe get a job that you don’t immediately lose because you’re completely bonkers, you might even reach a new prime in your life. But right now? No. You make commercials with creepy puppets. That’s not the prime of your life. I think the only word that even comes close to summing up your life in that lyric is “crystal”. As in “meth”.
PHOTOS | Courtesy of TMZ