Lindsay Lohan: Banned from a bunch of NYC nightclubs!

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan has many a few some okay, like one or two good points, but her ability to learn is not one of them. When Lindsay was first told to stop going out clubbing, she went out clubbing. And then when Oprah sat her down and offered her a chance if she just sobered up and stayed out of nightclubs, she went out clubbing. Well, now the universe is giving her one last chance: A bunch of nightclubs have literally banned her from the premises. Although knowing her, she’ll find a way in.

On Friday night, Lohan tried one more time to get into the NYC hot spot 1Oak, but was denied by the doorman. A spy also waiting at the door told Page Six, “She stared the doorman down and was surprised that they wouldn’t let her in. She was definitely shaken up.” She was banned after a series of incidents capped by claiming someone stole her fur coat last Thursday.

Meanwhile, Lohan tried to get in with the crowd at the new Meatpacking venue Up & Down as they came rolling in. As Ryan Phillippe, Bar Refaeli, Paris Hilton, Kate Upton and a gaggle of models walked by her and into the club, our spy added, “She turned away to her friends and looked really embarrassed.” SOURCE

OH MY GAWD! Someone finally said “No” to LiLo! And it worked! Well, temporarily anyway. But seriously though, considering how enabling her parents have been, public humbling like this might do her some good. And besides, would it really kill her not to go out clubbing every weekend? Wouldn’t it be nice if she, I don’t know, stayed in and played Scrabble with some friends? Sure, most of the hanger-ons would jump ship, but f*ck ’em, who needs them anyway? I guess what I’m trying to say is STAY HOME, DUMBASS!

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.