LeAnn Rimes’ ‘reality show’ will be scripted with professional actors

LeAnn Rimes

A while back, LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian announced that they were getting their own reality TV show, because apparently America really wants to see a woman sit on the computer all day tweeting angrily. Except once the network heads remembered how incredibly boring that would be, they decided to liven things up by taking out the “reality” part of the show and subbing it in with scripts and actors to play their kids. In Touch reports …

The show — which is scripted but based on reality — will follow the pair as they balance busy careers with co-parenting Eddie’s sons, Mason, 10, and Jake, 6, from his previous marriage to Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star Brandi Glanville, 40. But the catch? “They are going to have actors play Brandi and the kids’ characters in the show,” an insider tells the new issue of In Touch, on stands now. “LeAnn and Eddie were so against the kids being on RHOBH that they can’t have them in this,” the insider adds.

So basically, it’s now a sitcom based off of LeAnn’s life. To be honest, I’m not surprised since reality TV is heavily skewed by producers for the sake of milking out drama, so transplanting in some scripts and actors really isn’t too far off from what reality TV actually is. If anything, the writer in me is furious because having to write a show for LeAnn sounds like the greatest of hells.

Writer: Okay Ms. Rimes, I have the rough draft for you here. Would you like to read it over and give me some notes.
LeAnn: This is more than 140 characters. Are you using Twitlonger or something?
Writer: No, this is how actual writers work. We use full pages to flesh out ideas and-
LeAnn: Could you include a hashtag about how Brandi Glanville has herpes? Like, #BrandiGlanvilleHasDonkeyHerpes
Writer: I don’t want to be alive anymore. This is your fault. You did this to me.

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.