Did you know Lana Del Rey and Lady Gaga knew each other years ago? Yeah, I know right? Totally didn’t see that one coming. Apparently, they were both in the New York music scene years ago before they hit it big, and now that they’re both huge pop stars, I guess they hate each other? Lana was apparently so peeved with Gaga that she even penned an unreleased song about her called “So Legit” (believed to be recorded back in 2009, the lyrics and audio are posted below) that leaked onto the web recently. It’s … pretty brutal, really, but who knows where these two stand with each other today. I don’t think there’s a winner in feuds like these, so let’s just settle this the correct way: death battle! Two artsy pop starlets enter, but only one leaves. Whose side are you on?
You were the freak king of the piercing shop
All the girls thought they could sing, but they’re really not, shit
I don’t get itYou’re looking like a man, you’re talking like a baby
How the fuck is your song in a Coke commercial, crazy
I don’t get it
Your taste once exquisiteWhat happened to Brooklyn? What happened to New York
What happened to my scene? What happened to punk rock, rockYou called me the queen of the downtown scene, babe
How the fuck would you go switch it up and then replace me
I don’t get it, I’m so legitTell me, was it ’cause I wasn’t platinum in jewels?
That perhaps you thought I was a little bit even uncool
Kid, was that it?Stefani, you suck, I know you’re selling twenty million
Wish they could have seen you when we booed you off in Williamsburg
You’re hurt, I know my words don’t hurt, yeahOh, girl, I see you walking ’round in your pearls
Thinking that you’re number one
You’re so funny, ’cause honey, you’re notWhat happened to Brooklyn, the last frontier
They said you could make it anywhere if you can make it here
But where, no magic in the airWhat happened to Brooklyn? What happened to our scene, baby?
Have we all gone Gaga crazy?
Remember when the streets used to be dangerous and we were born bad
And we were born bad?Punk rock, punk rock
The boys used to punch each other in the face and girls were walking around wasted
And everyone had a good night, come back in sunlight
Punk rock, rock, rock.