I hate myself for that headline. Anyway, Lady Gaga has cut off a retail deal with Target for an exclusive edition of her upcoming album, Born This Way, over the company’s financial donations to an organization that supports anti-gay politicians.
Metro Weekly reports, citing sources close to the singer, that Lady Gaga has nixed her deal for an exclusive special edition of her upcoming album; The Advocate then reported that the company’s continued political activity the main stumbling block. “She and Target didn’t see eye to eye on Target’s policy of political donations and how they affect the LGBT community,” the source told the magazine’s website. SOURCE
Well, good for Lady Gaga for sticking to the actual message of her album by refusing be associated with something anti-gay. Seriously, there are times I wonder why I make fun of her as much as I do, considering she’s the most politically active celebrity when it comes to gay rights and safe sex. And then she shows up to an Awards show in an egg she claims she stayed in for three days then spouts off something about art and fashion and then I remember that she’s essentially wearing a bullseye on her chest at all times.