Kristen Bell really likes sloths!

Ellen DeGeneres and Kristen Bell

Kristen Bell was on The Ellen DeGeneres Show yesterday, where for some reason the topic of sloths came up. It turns out, Kristen really, really, really, really likes sloths. Like, more than any person probably should like sloths. Anyway, her boyfriend Dax Shepard decided to surprise her on her birthday a while back, and Kristen revealed her freak-out video of her sobbing sweet, sweet, slothy tears of joy over having a sloth at her birthday. The result is cute and totally embarrassing at the same time.

Ellen DeGeneres and Kristen Bell

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.