Remember when Kim Kardashian tried to pretend like she wouldn’t use her baby for money and attention? Well, to the surprise of literally no one, RadarOnline is reporting that Kris Jenner is shopping around first dibs on Kim and Kanye West‘s baby pics, because what’s the point of reaching a major life milestone if you can’t immediately monetize it in the most shameless way possible?
Kanye West doesn’t want to sell out his unborn baby and make money off photos of the child, but a new report claims Kardashian matriarch and momager Kris Jenner is already crunching numbers on a deal for photos of Kim Kardashian‘s baby. “That was for now,” a source told VH1′s The Gossip Table of Kim’s promise not to sell the photos. “Things can change.” According to the report, Kris is already speaking with a magazine editor about money the photos could generate.
Well, you can train a killer whale to jump through hoops too, but eventually it’s going to bite the legs of its trainer because that’s just its nature. Just as it is the nature of a Kardashian to do absolutely anything it can in order to milk money out of the system while doing the absolute minimum amount of work possible. Yes, I just compared the Kardashians to a bunch of bloodthirsty whales. Kinda makes perfect sense when you say it out loud, doesn’t it?