Over the weekend, some serious sh!t went down where Lamar Odom got kicked out of his house by Khloe Kardashian because he refused to seek help for his alleged drug problem and now they’re separated. Of course, now Kris Jenner is worried that this, of all things, will tank her family’s reputation once and for all, and we’ll get to why this is completely and utter B.S. in a second. Via RadarOnline …
“Kris worked so hard to make her talk show a success during its trial run. She was riding high off of all the publicity from her interview with Kanye and the big reveal of granddaughter, North. Then it all went kaput. Kris fiercely protects the Kardashian brand name and empire and to now have it associated with a drug problem, to her, it’s unacceptable. She used to be very close to Lamar, but she is disgusted by what has happened.”
Oh my gawd, where to begin with this one? First off, Kris’ daughter is getting a divorce and her son-in-law has a serious addiction, and all she can say is “Waaah, my show!” Strike one. Kris is a well-known famewhore and chances are had a hand in orchestrating the media circus that culminated in this, if she didn’t leak all this herself. Strike two. Kris okayed her daughter marrying a guy after only knowing him for a month so that they could turn it into TV ratings, and now another of the Kardashian’s high-profile marriages has been undone? Strike three. Congrats Kris, you’re the worst living person today. Someone give Putin his silver medal in the asshole games, because Kris just took the gold.