Yesterday, Kris Humphries‘ legal team tried to keep Kim Kardashian and her lawyers from speeding through her divorce by reminding everyone that just because Kim got knocked up by her rebound, doesn’t mean he has to do anything. So last night, Kim got a note from her doctors claiming that the stress from her divorce was putting her pregnancy at risk. I’m sure those two things have nothing in common. TMZ reports …
Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ … several days ago Kim called her doctor in the middle of the night to come to the house because she was having severe pains. The doctor examined her, but then warned he believed the problems were largely stress-related.
Sources say … the only significant stress in her life right now is the divorce. And hours before her meeting Tuesday with her lawyer, disso-queen Laura Wasser, Kim’s pains returned in full force.
The doctor warned Kim she needs to handle the stress or else there could be “long-term effects.” The doctor did not elaborate, but we’re told Kim is freaked out her baby may be at risk.
Look, as much as we mock Kim for being a shameless opportunist, we really do wish the best for her and her baby. That being said, I’m not buying this. Hell, remember how Lindsay Lohan got a doctor to claim she was too sick to show up in court, and then that turned out to be a huge lie? Honestly, given that Kim’s made a career out of saying and doing anything for attention, I just don’t believe her one bit.