Kim Kardashian isn’t pregnant … yet!

Kim Kardashian

With Kim Kardashian getting married and possibly changing her name, there’s only one thing left to do: Get pregnant! Because if Kourtney Kardashian‘s pregnancy taught us anything, it’s that you can milk a fetus for all the publicity in the world. But despite rumors that Kim Kardashian got knocked up with a fame baby, she’s denying that she’s preggers. Which is basically her way of milking her fetus before she even has it.

“This is crazy! I am NOT pregnant!” Kim wrote in a blog titled, “I Am NOT Pregnant,” posted on her personal website on Wednesday, along with a photo of the OK! cover. “Magazines can be so tricky with their wording! The inside states that one day I want a baby! But I’m not pregnant!

“I can foresee lots of crazy, made up stories coming out in the near future and I certainly don’t have time to shut down every rumor,” she continued. “But believe that if you hear it from me, it will be true. Otherwise, don’t always believe what you read, dolls.” SOURCE

Oh who are we kidding, she probably called them up and spread the rumor herself. “Oh yeah, my husband just blasted some tadpoles into my pond. Guess who’s baby crazy now? I even picked out names! If it’s a boy, I’m thinking of “Attention”, and if it’s a girl, I’m going to call her “Cha-ching!” What’s that? What does Kris think? Do you mean my mother or my husband? … It’s totally not weird that I call out my mother’s name during sex, is it?”

Kim Kardashian

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.