Kim Kardashian has made a career out of circular logic by convincing the paparazzi to photograph her because she’s famous because the paparazzi photograph her. See? It’s like she weaseled her way into a mobius strip of self-involved awfulness. Anyway, now Kim is claiming that the paparazzi are threatening her, and took to Twitter to call them out …
I wouldn't let the paps get a pic of me today & they threatened my life & said if I continue to … http://t.co/9OHBSoVfc2
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) June 6, 2013
Yesterday 4 cars boxed me in. One in front, behind, & one on each side just to have me drive at their … http://t.co/bOUvswNM9i
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) June 6, 2013
For years I've always been so gracious. Every shot they take now just isn't flattering & crazy stories … http://t.co/jWxPQDzP7o
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) June 6, 2013
What will it take for there to be laws put in place to prevent this behavior?
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) June 6, 2013
I get I live a public life. I live my life on a reality show for the world to see. I love my life, but when … http://t.co/O9y9FCV3nj
— Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) June 6, 2013
Look, we’re by no means fans of Kim, but if anyone is threatening her, she deserves to take every precaution to make sure she’s safe. That being said … well, this is Kim we’re talking about, the woman who will say and do anything if she can milk a bad soap drama narrative out of it? Kim is calculating and manipulative to a fault, and I really wouldn’t put it past her to make something like this up for the sake of keeping them off her trail while she finishes up her pregnancy (which is a pretty good reason.) Ultimately, if it happened, by all means let Kim fend ’em off, but I do have suspicions, given Kim’s track record with her public image.