Yeah yeah, I know, kind of a low-hanging fruit at this point, but awkwardly shoe-horning in a joke about politics was the only way I could reconcile another post about Kim Kardashian‘s giant pudding ass and empty head. Anyway, after Kim threatened to sue anyone and everyone accusing her of cheating, Bret Lockett claimed that he had PLENTY of incriminating texts, messages and pictures she sent to him, because fuck it, this is actually a thing that is happening now. Wee.
Lockett went on TMZ Live Wednesday and insisted he did indeed have an online and physical relationship with Kim this year, at the same time she was dating now-fiance Kris Humphries. In the letter, Kim’s lawyer, Michael Kump, says, “To put it very plainly and clearly, and as Mr. Lockett knows, there is not now, and never has been such a relationship,” adding, “Ms. Kardashian does not know and has never even met Mr. Lockett.” Bret Lockett told us he has physical evidence proving the relationship, but he evaded questions on specifics. SOURCE
Once again, I’d like to float out the very real possibility that Kim masterminded this entire farce for attention, because at we all know, weddings are SO last April. Now, anyone who’s anybody is sending nude pics to people on the Internet despite the fact that they’re in a committed relationship. Seriously, I’m pretty sure if you told her that celebrities were stapling themselves to each others’ assholes Human Centipede style she’d be first in line.