It’s official people: You can all kiss Kim Kardashian‘s piss-soaked ass goodbye. Kim has agreed to never pose nude again because she thinks that she’s too old, despite being only 30-years-old. That’s it? Thirty? You’re going to stop doing the one thing that you’re even remotely good at because you’re no longer in your twenties? Okay then.
Kim Kardashian recently posed completely nude for W magazine, but enjoy those photos because if Kim is to be believed she may never go nude again. “It turned out beautifully, and I love it,” she told Us Weekly of the W spread. But: “I don’t know [if I’ll pose nude again]. I’m too old for that now…I wanted to get it all out of my system before I turned 30.” SOURCE
Oh please, like Kim Kardashian is going to stop posing nude. That would be like Meryl Streep stopped acting, or if Lindsay Lohan stopped jumping monster trucks off of ramps and into kindergarten classes. All I’m saying is, if Kim were to ever squeeze her giant dumpy ass into a pair of panties, the universe would fracture and everything you know and love would cease to be simply because a Kardashian stopped being slutty.