As a ploy to make her seem like a generous and giving person (HAHAHAHAHAHAHA no she isn’t) Kris Jenner took Kim Kardashian down to Haiti so that the two of them could give back to those whose lives were destroyed by natural disasters. Oh, wait, I fudged that one up, let me try that again: Kris Jenner and Kim Kardashian went down to Haiti and did eff-all to help the people, and instead just whored it up for the cameras which I’m sure the poverty-stricken children just adored. Us Weekly reports:
The mother and daughter were visiting the impoverished nation — still rebuilding from the devastating January 2010 earthquake — as part of We Advance, the organization co-founded by actress Maria Bello. Along with Bello, fellow actress Patricia Arquette and designer Donna Karan, the reality stars visited the Artists for Peace and Justice School, helped replenish supplies at We Advance clinics, checked out a fashion show launched by local women and designers and celebrated at the Sow a Seed Christmas bash, where 500 local orphans were treated with gifts. The final stop on the agenda: An intimate meeting with the President of Haiti, Michel Martelly.
You know you’re a self-centered, opportunistic skag when even the press release about your charity work contains no actual charity work. Seriously, the bitch probably dropped a handful of Q-Tips onto one of the tables at the clinic and called it a day. “Whew, that was a lot of hard work. Oh look! Cameras! Someone get these kids out of the way! *Bitch slaps a homeless three-year-old*” If you can look me in the eyes and tell me that happened, you are a filthy liar.