As some of you might remember, Kim Kardashian revealed last year that she had psoriasis, literally saying that if the paparazzi found out, she’d lose her career. She said that to the paparazzi she was telling about her psoriasis. Seriously. Well, like every other completely unremarkable thing in her unremarkable life, Kim has milked it for all its worth, staging a photo-op at a Botox clinic where she gets psoriasis treatments because hey, why not spread the rumor she gets Botox too? The Daily Mail reports:
Even the 31-year-old’s off days are pretty on, and given the fact that she’s admitted to suffering from the condition psorisis … her skin is bound to have issues. Having her resources though, means that the best treatment is available to deal with any problems and today, ahead of an appearance at Valentino party, she did just that. The high maintenance brunette perhaps headed for facial, to ensure her skin was red carpet ready for the high-profile. There is no suggestion she had Botox injections, despite the fact that the salon advertises it as a specialty.
No, it is in no way a suggestion she just had Botox. I will, however, make the suggestion that Kim knew people would talk about her if they thought she was getting Botox, so she decided to get her psoriasis treatment at a place that specializes in it. Honestly, for the briefest second, I almost considered the possibility that Kim might not be an idiot, but then I had a flashback to Speidi and realized that being able to create a transparent photo-op with the paparazzi barely requires any brain function to begin with. Actually, if Kim in fact was smart, she’d realize that appealing to the lowest common denominator while cultivating zero life skills or personality traits isn’t a great long-term career goal, and she would instead focus on getting a real job.