Kim Kardashian: Whining about butt implant rumors again!

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian

Let’s just put this out there: Kim Kardashian has a very butt-centric career. Literally the only reason anyone cared about her to begin with was because she had a huge ass. Then she launched herself into fame by filming Ray J peeing on her butt. She then maintained that level of fame by taking selfie after selfie of her photoshopped butt. But with all those butt-based publicity stunts, people will inevitably start saying she has butt implants, which gives her another butt-based publicity stunt to play around with: Publicly denying she has butt implants on Twitter, for no real reason!

I’m seeing all these nonsense tabloids claiming I have butt implants-injections. Get a life! Using pics of me 15lbs skinnier (before I had my baby) comparing to me now! I still have weight to lose. Anyone who has had a baby knows how hard it is to lose weight (especially the last bit of weight) & your body totally changes! Making fun of me pregnant & making fun of me trying to lose weight now shame on you. I’m not perfect but I will never conform to your skinny standards sorry! Not me. And BTW I’ve lost a lot so far & I’m proud of that! Don’t give young girls a complex!

Of course, if anyone were body-shaming her, that would be bad. But this is less about body-shaming and more about how you keep showing off your ass on a daily basis. Seriously, want us to stop talking about your ass? Then stop posting selfies that you photoshopped to make it look bigger. Stop wearing dresses tailored to look ill-fitting to make your ass look bigger. Stop making it the focal point of your career. Or keep complaining about it for attention, I’m sure that’s going just swell.

About JEREMY FEIST 4832 Articles
Jeremy Feist is an (ahem) entertainer from Toronto, Canada. He writes, acts, and performs on stage, and has been a writer for Popbytes for almost three years now. He lives in Toronto with his boyfriend, his incredibly dumb but cute puppy, and his immortal cat.