Okay, so technically Kevin Federline didn’t have the baby himself (his girlfriend, Victoria Prince, was the one who pushed it out of her lady flower) but to be fair, I think he was fat enough that you can probably convince someone that he was carrying a fetus around inside of himself. “What? Ha ha! Men can’t have bab—Wait, is he wearing a nursing bra? EVERYTHING I KNOW IS A LIE.”
Kevin Federline’s a dad — for the fifth time!
Britney Spears’ ex-hubby and his girlfriend, Victoria Prince, welcomed a baby girl Monday at 6:33 p.m., Us Weekly can confirm. The 33-year-old and his girlfriend of two years, 28, named their new addition Jordan Kay.
“Everything was perfect and everyone is doing well,” Federline tells Us exclusively. SOURCE
Well, congratulations to Kevin on the brand new welfare check baby, I meant baby, although part of me feels as though the fact that dipshits like Kevin Federline, the guy who willingly convenience-married Britney Spears, keep popping out babies means we can look forward to a whole new generation of stupid. Or to put it in simpler terms: The Duggars have enough kids to field a football team, while Stephen Hawking has yet to pass his genes on.