Proving once and for all that the music industry as we know it is dead, executives over at Capitol Records are throwing a shit fit over Katy Perry‘s new song, Peacock, over the title’s reference to … well, a cock. Never mind that the song blows ass, let’s freak out because it uses a bird as a metaphor for penises!
The singer releases Teenage Dream later this month (Aug 24), and one song – Peacock – caused worry among bosses at her label, Capitol Records, over its smutty words. But Perry was adamant she wouldn’t alter the offending lyric – because the success of her hit track I Kissed A Girl in 2008 proved she should stand her ground against music executives. She tells Britain’s Glamour magazine, “They were all a bit worried about the word ‘c**k’ (in Peacock) and it gave me deja vu because I did the exact same thing with I Kissed A Girl. SOURCE
God, what I wouldn’t give to be a fly on the wall in that meeting …
Music Exec: Listen Katy, we can’t have you talking about penises on your new song, M’kay?
Katy: But I can still shoot whipped cream out of my tits, right?
Music Exec: We will fire you if you don’t.
Katy: (Thrusts arms into the air) STEVE HOLT!