Today Show alumni and current anchor of the CBS Evening News, Katie Couric is stepping down from her position with the network. This decision has been in the works for a few weeks now but today she made it official, though the exact commencement date of her position was not made clear. Couric made history five years ago when she became the first female to single handedly headline an evening news program, prior to that she had one of the longest stints of a news anchor at the same position with 15 years at NBC’s Today Show. The first lady of evening news is currently in limbo as far as her career goes, but several options are coming to light. A source at Reuters claims she could do a daytime talk show while the Los Angeles and New York Times are reporting that she’s been consulting with Jeff Zucker, (the producer at the Today Show during her stint there) to host a syndicated program of some sort. Couric told People magazine, regardless of the ultimate formulation of her newest project, she’s concentrating on “looking at a format that will allow me to engage in more multi-dimensional storytelling.”