Bad news, gays (because only the gays care about Kathy. SCIENCE!): Kathy Griffin is ending her critically-acclaimed television series, My Life On the D-List, in order to keep herself from becoming Kate Gosselin. No, seriously, that was her reason. Man, Kate just fucking ruins everything.
“It was a really tough decision because I think of The D-List as pretty much my baby for the last six seasons and I also think it was really time to stop doing it,” the 50-year-old star told People. “Reality is great, but I really didn’t set out to be a reality star. So now it’s time to spread my wings and show that I’m a little different than Kate Gosselin … I’m not saying better, but maybe separate myself from the pack a little bit.” SOURCE
Oh dammit to hell … Television, once again if you have crushed my hopes and dreams. Just like you did with Futurama, Pushing Daisies, Terriers, Dead Like Me, Firefly, Arrested Development, Wonderfalls … How the hell is Two And A Half Men still on the air? Dammit. Oh well, at least we’ll always have that time Kathy hosted the GayVNs. You know, before they stopped being relevant.