good morning & happy friday! right now i’ve got the latest kanye west video for welcome to heartbreak – the first track off his incredible album 808s and heartbreak – although the video is about a month old – i hadn’t seen it until last night – i know he’s a total ego maniac (saying stuff like “my greatest pain in life is that I will never be able to see myself perform live.”) but he’s so talented – a lot of people don’t seem to care for his latest album but it landed a spot in my top favorite albums of 2008 – i absolutely love it! just this past week three misdemeanor charges were brought against mr. west in connection with his scuffle last september with a TMZ photographer at LAX airport – if convicted he could spend over two years in prison – i doubt he’ll spend time in the slammer but hopefully he’ll learn to keep his temper (and ego) in check! popbytes over & out for now … xoxo