Fun story time! When I was a younger, my older brother had a friend who used to joy ride down residential streets, get into fights at the local bar, and basically acted like an entitled douche every opportunity he got. Why? Because his parents totally allowed it, and they were rich enough to bail him out every time. One day, the cops caught him driving drunk and threw the book at him. And you know what happened? He stopped acting like an asshole, because he knew he was personally accountable for his actions. So here’s the story from TMZ claiming that prosecutors are angling to prosecute Justin Bieber for allegedly spitting on his neighbor and threatening him …
The L.A. County Sheriff’s Dept. investigated the case and sent the file to the D.A. Tuesday. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … Sheriff’s investigators are urging prosecutors to charge the singer with battery. We’re told cops don’t think Bieber should go to jail, but he needs serious counseling because of his repeated and escalating bad behavior. Law enforcement sources tell us … Sheriff’s investigators are worried that Bieber is either going to “get his ass kicked” or “someone’s gonna get a $2 million payday” unless the singer changes his tune. Our sources say the Sheriff’s Dept. is not singling out Bieber because he’s a celeb — they’d make the same recommendation for anyone who’s a first time offender with a bad temper.
At the risk of sounding like a heartless bitch, GOOD. Of course Justin has a bad temper and acts like a spoiled asshole: He has no incentive to act otherwise. No matter what he does, everyone is going to kiss his ass anyway, and no one is going to other teaching him how to act more like a normal person. If no one on his team is going to bother setting him straight, it’s up to the court to step in and say, “no asshole, you can’t do that. Cut that sh!t out right now.”