When we last left Justin Bieber, he had allegedly stolen a photographer’s memory card, because that’s perfectly legal, right? Going up to people and stealing their stuff because they took a picture of you? Why that’s as American as apple pie and spoiled Canadian pop stars who’ve lost touch with reality. Anyway, not everyone agrees with me, because now the photographer in question is suing Justin for theft and simple battery. Why can’t he just focus on the music? Justin is an artist! Via TMZ …
Now Binion has filed suit against Bieber and bodyguard Hugo Hesny, claiming Bieber masterminded the attack. Binion says at Bieber’s behest, Hesny threw him against a wall, grabbed him by the throat, and “displayed a gun” [holstered under his shirt] while he and the other bodyguards took the memory card from his camera. Binion’s lawyer, Russell S. Adler, tells TMZ, “Justin Bieber is now an adult, and he should act like one. He needs to learn that he cannot use bodyguards as weapons to harm innocent people. Bieber’s violent behavior toward photographers must end, and he should take responsibility for his actions.” He continues, “No amount of fame or fortune justifies Bieber’s shameful and outrageous conduct. To send him that message and deter his misbehavior in the future, we will seek punitive damages against him as allowed by Florida law.”
TMZ also claims that Justin and his bodyguards roughed up a second person over the weekend for trying to take a picture of him, which makes me think that Justin has hired a very special strain of bodyguard that goes into murderous rage at the sight of a camera. I guess what I’m trying to say is that if you value your life, do not go anywhere near Justin with a camera. Just to be safe, don’t even mention the word camera, or listen to the band Camera Obscura, or talk about how George Eastman invented the first handheld camera.