In case you’re wondering how high in regards Justin Bieber holds his fans … yeah, not so high. TMZ obtained pictures today (see them here) showing Justin spitting off his hotel balcony while fans of his allegedly gathered round the bottom. Although to be fair, I’m sure some Beliebers would defend even this. “Oh yeah, Justin spat on me. It was glorious. It was the best thing to ever happen to me. People should just stop ganging up on him and focus on his music, y’know? Swaggy swaggy swaggy oh Gawd, I will never hold down a satisfying career or relationship.”
Here it is … hard proof Justin Bieber is a revolting, germ-spreading spitter. The photos were snapped Thursday in Toronto, where Bieber was perched atop his hotel balcony. We can’t tell what, or who, was directly under him as he dropped his saliva-bomb. It is worth noting … hordes of fans were gathered outside the window of his hotel room all day — he even posted a Bieberview pic on Instagram.
I said this before, but I’ll say it again: Someone needs to step in immediately and lay down the law on this kid before it’s too late. Remember what happened to Vanilla Ice? Yeah, that was another white dude who thought he was black and had teenagers falling at his feet. Then one day Suge Knight held him upside down off a building and now Vanilla Ice is mostly known for destroying a room because Ron Jeremy screwed him over on a Surreal Life spin-off. Behold your future, Bieber.