Last week, Justin Bieber‘s house got raided by the LAPD, and surprisingly the only thing that really came out of it was Lil Za being named the patsy. Apparently, he was the last person to put his finger on his nose and go “Not it!” Well, if you were wondering why Justin didn’t get into any real trouble, it’s only because the cops didn’t have a search warrant for the massive amount of weed and sizzurp everywhere. TMZ reports …
Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ … when L.A. County Sheriff’s deputies searched the house … there were 2 large cookie jars filled with weed in plain view. There were also 4 – 5 empty codeine bottles in the mansion. There were also 3 bongs — 1 in the TV room and 2 in the kitchen. There were styrofoam cups scattered throughout the house that had elaborate drawings on them … including the names of the people who used them. The cups, we’re told, were used for Sizzurp (also called lean) — which is Justin’s drug of choice. We’re told he likes to draw on the cups with markers after using them.
Marijuana and sizzurp? Yeah, Justin’s basically just an entitled suburban kid with millions of dollars to his name. Believe me, I grew up surrounded by this type. Spoiled white kid? Check. Parents who never said “No”? Check. Unearned sense of entitlement and an ability to always divert blame to someone else? CHECKED SO HARD IT HURTS. The only difference between Bieber and literally any other ass-hat suburban kid is good marketing.