good evening! i’m beyond thrilled to be staying in tonight … this week totally drained me (but it was so worth it – each night was amazing) and i seriously need to rest up for sunday – i’ll be covering the red carpet arrivals at comedy central’s roast of funny lady joan rivers (hosted by kathy griffin) and then i need to run back to hollywood to catch the legendary grace jones in her very first concert at the hollywood bowl … squeal! so about two weeks ago – i finally watched twilight – i do know i’m super behind on that one – especially with the 2nd flick new moon right around the corner (november 20th) i wouldn’t say i was crazy about it (like some people i know) but i enjoyed the film enough (however when it comes to vampires – i’m all about true blood – that show kicks major ass!) besides mega cutie robert pattinson – there’s also super adorable taylor lautner who is about to reveal himself as a wolf in the next movie (plus he’s revealing that killer body of his) the gang was down in san diego for a special ‘twilight’ panel at comic-con – check out the pictures below … just because he’s cute (gosh – i love my friday night posts!) popbytes over & out for tonight … xoxo