Here’s cutie Ryan Phillippe (age 36) last night at the Los Angeles premiere of his new flick, The Lincoln Lawyer, which also stars hottie Matthew McConaughey. I’ve always had a thing for Ryan ever since 1998’s Studio 54 (certianly not the greatest movie ever but he’s adorable in it) but I feel like he’s kind of a dick in real-life. If you need a second opinion on that just go ask his ex-wife and baby mama Reese Witherspoon, I bet she would totally back me up on this one! Currently he’s getting hot and heavy with Amanda Seyfried but I don’t really see that working out in the long run, just another hunch of mine plus how many relationships end up being successful in Hollywood – not many! Dickiness aside, enjoy these pictures of Mr. Phillippe, just because he’s super cute!
Ryan Phillippe attends a Los Angeles screening of The Lincoln Lawyer held at The Arclight Cinemas in Hollywood, California on March 10th, 2011.