It’s been kind of a long year without any Mad Men to placate us, and while some of us were able to fill the void with Downton Abbey, it just wasn’t the same without Christina Hendricks‘ big ol’ titties. Anyway, the show is coming back finally, and Jon Hamm has gone on the record to say that the whole reason behind the extended break is that a billionaire got their feelings hurt and blah blah blah rich people problems. The Huffington Post reports:
Clearly Jon Hamm isn’t too concerned with upsetting powerful people, as evidenced by his latest appearance on Late Show. When asked by David Letterman to explain what he could about the lengthy break between the fourth and fifths seasons of Mad Men, Hamm said, “I’ve described it thusly, and I got in trouble, so I’ll do it again the same way.” According to Hamm, “When billionaires fight it takes a lot longer to settle. So we had some very wealthy people determining how long we would be off the air.”
Just when you think the 1% couldn’t get any worse than leaving behind shitty tips and insulting waiters and bankrupting the U.S. economy, now they’re responsible for depriving us of Christina’s killer knockers? This kind of abuse to the middle class will not stand! We are the 99%, and we want to watch Jon being a smoldering drunk misogynist!