Proving beyond the shadow of a doubt that we’re basically the alternate dimension evil twin of every straight, boob-obsessed gossip blogger out there (true story: if you put an evil goatee on that guy who writes The Superficial, we’d be completely identical) here’s a story about Joe Manganiello talking about wearing a thong for Magic Mike. On a sidenote, how do you guys feel about the tagline, “PopBytes: Because where else will you find Joe Manganiello’s nut-hugger?” People reports:
For True Blood‘s Joe Manganiello, playing a stripper for the upcoming movie Magic Mike meant wearing a thong for the first time. “I wore these little thongs that literally go up your butt, and it definitely takes getting used to,” Manganiello, 35, told People at the IWC Schaffhausen watch boutique opening in New York. “It was uncomfortable at first. It sort of felt like a wedgie,” he said, “but once you get into the routine of wearing one, you know what to do and you just do your thing. We all had to suffer a bit for our craft.”
To whoever decided that a movie full of hot famous men in thongs would be a good idea: I owe you everything I have. Thank you good sir or madame.