Oh poor Jessica Simpson … first her ex-husband Nick Lachey got married over the weekend to Vanessa Minnillo, and now she has to fend off allegations that she’s pregnant thanks to some unflattering pictures. Well, unless she counts the food baby … Oh McDonald’s … my hips say no, but the three weeks of no sugar or processed food says YES.
A less-than-flattering paparazzi photo of Jessica Simpson sparked rumors of a possible bun in the oven for the singer/fashion mogul last week, but a source close to the star says not to get out the baby name book just yet. “She is not pregnant,” the source told Access Hollywood on Wednesday. SOURCE
All right, new rule: You are no longer allowed to claim that any starlet is pregnant just because she looks like she’s gained a few. Think about it: You wouldn’t go up to a fat woman and ask when the baby is due, would you? Until they come out and say that they have some buns in the oven, just assumed that the bulge in their bellies is just there because dipping your french fries in mayonnaise is delicious.