jennifer garner does martha stewart!

hey hey! it’s the end of the work week – and although i’d love to relax a bit – i actually need to get ready to leave for chicago early sunday morning (my flight is at 6:30am – meaning i need to leave like around 4:30am…yikes!) i’m heading to the adobe max conference which will basically be a bunch of photoshop geeks – myself included! i’m stoked to get out of town for a few days (and nab a little deep dish pizza) but i always get stressed when i leave popbytes home base! no worries – i’ll still post – just a little lighter than normal!

i’m going to have to make sure i catch the desperate housewives premiere on sunday night over on ABC…speaking of premieres – who watched ugly betty last night?!? oh my goodness – i completely lost my mind at the end (although thinking back there were hints to what actually happened to ‘santos’) i was having so much fun watching the episode (judith light fucking rocks!) that when we saw ‘hilda’ alone – i cried my eyes out! (i’m so emotional to begin with and that simply sent me over the edge) the 2nd season premiere did not disappoint – gosh i’m not kidding at all when i tell you it’s like the best show on TV!

for tonight i’ve got jennifer garner (aka mrs. ben affleck) on martha stewart (a few quotes are posted below including one on how she likes to get paid…) her latest film the kingdom opens today and i’d really like to go & see it – seeing ms. garner back in action will totally remind me of her alias days – gosh that was a great show! popbytes over & out for tonight…xxoo!

PS i’m grooving to the latest jennifer lopez album brave which leaked onto the net today – and damn – girlfriend made a really fun album! i can’t wait to see her when she comes to los angeles on oct 19th!

jennifer on movies vs. broadway:
ms: would you rather do a play, now that you’re into the rehearsals or a movie?
jg: i would like to do a play, but get paid like a movie.

jennifer on the set of her movie:
jg: we were in arizona. we did the thing where you open the egg and it fries on the asphalt…like right there…and that’s kind of what happened to our brains.

jennifer on cooking:
ms: i want you to stick around and cook with us.
jg: duh! why do you think i came?

jennifer on the ingredients:
ms: now, do you know what a rutabaga is?
jg: yes, martha. it’s a pinkish…no! i’m thinking of rhubarb. i don’t know what a rutabaga is!


About MICHAEL KNUDSEN 5720 Articles
MK (Michael Knudsen) first started PopBytes back in September of 2003—while trying to make a website for his design portfolio, the site quickly turned into one of the premiere online destinations for all things pop culture! A native New Yorker, he currently resides in Los Angeles with his partner Ivan along with four dogs, four cats and two parrots. Follow him on Twitter @PopBytes.