Because Jennifer Aniston really, really, REALLY wants you to see The Switch, she went on The Daily Show last night where she revealed that she once went on a date with Jon Stewart. Really. All I can say is, the girl missed out. Jennifer Aniston is super pretty and all, but let’s face it: Jon Stewart? Woof! … That’s gay for ‘hot’, by the way.
“You were adorable!” Stewart, 47, told the actress. “I asked you out, we went out! To an Italian restaurant” in Manhattan’s East Village, he said. “And it was lovely.”
He joked sheepishly: “You brought so many of your friends. I remember thinking ‘Wow, she’s so excited to be on a date with me that she wants me to get to know her posse.'”
Aniston’s quip? “That’s really sad,” she said, explaining that the evening was a platonic group outing — not a romantic tete-a-tete. SOURCE
Okay, so granted she totally got to bang Brad Pitt for a good couple years (until Angelina Jolie showed up) which I think we can all agree ain’t too shabby. But seriously: JON FUCKING STEWART. Super cute, super funny, super smart … a little short, yeah, but that’s a pretty fair trade off, really.