Since the most exciting piece of news this morning involves a change in hair color (I know, you’re on the edge of your seat right now, but you’ll just have to wait a little bit longer, won’t you?) why don’t we pad for time with this video of Jamie Foxx dancing in nothing but his undies to some Michael Jackson? Because when in doubt, throw out some man candy and hope no one notices you’ve got nothing. TMZ reports:
The video was shot at an after-party at Jamie’s mansion in L.A. … roughly ten years ago … right around the time he was blowin’ up for his role in Ali. Foxx — sporting nothing but a pair of red briefs, white sneakers and a baseball hat — gets downright funky in front of a group of friends while Prince’s I Wanna Be Your Lover plays in the background. We’re told everyone had a blast that night … and Foxx continued to dance his ass off even after the camera shut down.
Wait, what’s that? You expect a second paragraph after the blockquote to tie everything together? What the hell, people? You don’t see The Superficial having to pad out a second paragraph every time they post some random celebrity in a bikini, but you expect one when you see a black man in a speedo? This is just a double standard is what this is and I will not stand for this.