jada pinkett smith’s wicked wisdom

hey kids! oh its been a whirlwind of a day – the special ‘something’ i mentioned a few days ago that i was excited for went really well – i can’t say anymore but if any cool developments come down the road from this…you guys will be the first to know! so let’s get to that crazy wife of will smith – oh that ms. jada…

so i came across some pics over on JJB and i just had to post ’em – it’s jada pinkett smith who is still trying to launch a music career for herself with her ‘heavy metal’ band wicked wisdom…they just released their self-titled debut album today – it just doesn’t look like a successful crossover will happen…maybe she will rock out with wicked wisdom – they are playing here in los angeles on feb 26th over at the house of blues on sunset and touring around the country (atlantic city?!? ugh!)

below is a not so glowing customer review over on amazon but don’t let stacy sway you (trust me it sucks) just go on a decide for yourself – there are some audio clips over on the band’s website – popbytes over & out for tonight – i am completely beat – make sure to check back tomorrow for some fresh star gossip…xxoo!!

If there’s any good thing at all about this, it’s that you can sense some musicianship from some of the instrumentalists in the band. The guitarist and drums sound okay. But the choice of lead singer is poor at best, and obviously either a hobby for Jada or a ploy for more sales through name recognition. Jada sounds absolutely HORRIBLE! No rhythm…..no melody to her voice….no vocal skills. She should really continue to pursue acting instead where she has much more potential. As a metal fan, I’m frankly insulted that she thinks this screaming, howling, & cussing, (so much for all her husband’s promoting clean music & not having any need for bad language) would actually pass for metal music. Anyone who really appreciates metal would probably hate this album. I understand why grocery stores would’ve run out of eggs when WW was in town. – STACY

PS check out this story about jada & her band over on the baltimore sun


About MICHAEL KNUDSEN 5720 Articles
MK (Michael Knudsen) first started PopBytes back in September of 2003—while trying to make a website for his design portfolio, the site quickly turned into one of the premiere online destinations for all things pop culture! A native New Yorker, he currently resides in Los Angeles with his partner Ivan along with four dogs, four cats and two parrots. Follow him on Twitter @PopBytes.