A new piece in the unfolding saga that is Jada Pinket and Will Smith‘s fake divorce has come to life, claiming that Jada was apparently banging Marc Anthony as a sidepiece, only to have Will Smith walk in on them and leave crying, so says … In Touch, the magazine who is trying to convince everyone that the world’s most perfect couple is splitting up. Yup, that makes sense.
A suspicious Will Smith paid a surprise visit to Jada Pinkett Smith and found her with Marc Anthony … this according to a new report.
In Touch Weekly claims in early August Will had become increasingly suspicious that his wife was having an affair with her “HawthoRNe” co-star Marc Anthony and secretly flew home from a movie shoot. The mag claims Will walked in the house, found Marc Anthony and Jada together and left the house crying. SOURCE
As a general rule, I don’t trust a second opinion if it’s coming from the person who gave me the first one, so like shit I’m going to believe them now, especially since Will and Jada are looking into suing them and they desperately need to either cover their asses or just deny, deny, deny. I mean yes, the Smiths annoy me with their whole “Aw shucks, aren’t we perfect” thing, but still, at least they’re not lying in print.